Sopa de ovos

tempo de preparo


15 minutos


4 porçoes
gramas por porção

Gramas por Porção

320 g
Sopa de ovos

Ingredientes de: Sopa de ovos (Limpar)

check uncheck 4,0 xícaras (chá) de Caldo de galinha preparado
check uncheck 2,0 colheres (sopa) de Milho verde enlatado
check uncheck 1,0 colher (sopa) de Óleo de gergelim Kenko
* Esta receita pode conter sugestões de marcas somente para referência para o cálculo das informações nutricionais. Fique à vontade para escolher o produto do fornecedor ou fabricante que você preferir.

Como fazer Sopa de ovos

Egg Drop Soup This Egg Drop Soup Recipe includes detailed directions and photos to guide you through the preparation of this renowned Asian favorite. Prep: 3 mins Cook: 7 mins Total: 10 mins Ingredients: 4 cups good-quality chicken stock 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. ground ginger 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 2 large eggs 2 egg whites 1/2 tsp. sesame oil 3 green onions, sliced thin (about 1/4 cup sliced), plus extra for garnish 1/4 cup whole-kernel corn or creamed corn (optional) salt, to taste (I use about 1 tsp - I like my soup salty!) black pepper, to taste (I use about 1/4 tsp.) Directions: Whisk together chicken stock (chilled or room-temperature), cornstarch, ginger and garlic powder in a medium saucepan until combined and no lumps remain. Heat over high heat until boiling, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs and egg whites in a small measuring cup or bowl. (I find the measuring cup easier for pouring.) Once the broth reaches a boil, remove from heat. Then use a fork or whisk to stir the broth in a circular motion, while slowly pour the whisked eggs into the soup to create egg ribbons. Stir in the sesame oil, green onions and corn (optional) until combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately, topped with additional green onions for garnish.

Informações Nutricionais de Sopa de ovos

Gramas por Porção: 320 g

  • Calorias 152,71 kcal
  • Carboidratos 3,10 g
  • Proteínas 7,64 g
  • Gorduras Totais 10,54 g
  • Gord. Saturadas 3,64 g
  • Gord. Trans 0,00 g
  • Fibras 0,55 g
  • Sódio 1142,80 mg

Informações nutricionais oferecidas por Logo do Tecnonutri

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